Grip Socks
Why Grip Socks
Grips socks are now widely used in sport across the globe due to their benefits on and off the field.
Well known benefits include:
Fit to your shoe
Grip socks help your shoe fit better, as your foot sweats you may find that your shoe becomes looser and you start to lose traction between your shoe and sock. Grip socks increase the friction between your shoe and sock improving your movements until the final whistle.
Stay dry
Sport socks may not be as high quality as grip socks and usually get worn after a couple of uses, so they get thinner on the sole and around the toes and when your feet sweat, they do not absorb it, which is not only uncomfortable but also not recommended to avoid blisters.
Prevent unwanted injuries
Grip socks can reduce the impact your feet are exposed to when playing sport by keeping the feet in the right position without making you feel it very tight and uncomfortable. This can avoid injuries which are a constant threat to players.
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